

Properties of considered to be important in the pathogenesis of urinary-tract infection were investigated. The following properties were more common in strains isolated from urinary infections than in periurethral strains from healthy individuals: (i) 0 serogroups 2, 4, 6, 8, 18ab and 75; (ii) high K-antigen titre; (iii) production of haemolysin; (iv) production of fimbriae; (v) fermentation of salicin. The correlation between isolation of a strain from the urinary tract and possession of any single property was not strong; however, strains rich in a combination of these pathogenic properties were rarely isolated from the periurethral area of healthy subjects but were common in urinary infections. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of urinary strains had few pathogenic properties. Strains rich in pathogenic properties were more commonly isolated from upper urinary-tract infections than from lower-tract infections; this indicates that the properties of the invading organism may influence the localisation of infection.


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