

Infant mice from outbred Swiss OF1 and from inbred DBA/2, C57BL/6, BALB/cBy and CBA strains were screened for usefulness in the diarrhoea model with enterotoxigenic (ETEC) strains of bovine, porcine and human origin. Mouse strains were either weakly susceptible or not susceptible to ETEC strains of porcine or human origin bearing antigen K88, 987P, CFA/I or CFA/II. In contrast, some mouse strains were highly susceptible to bovine and porcine ETEC strains bearing K99 or F41 or both antigens. Swiss OF1 and CBA infant mice were highly susceptible to one bovine ETEC strain bearing antigen K99, whereas DBA/2, BALB/cBy and C57BL/6 mice exhibited nearly complete resistance to the same ETEC strain. Except DBA/2, all mouse strains were highly susceptible to bovine and porcine ETEC strains bearing antigen F41 alone or in combination with antigen K99. Challenge ETEC strains colonised intestines of all infant mice, but they reached very high levels soon after inoculation in the diarrhoeic ones only.


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