

, one of the genera of oral bacteria, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including endocarditis, septicaemia and disorders of the oral cavity such as abscesses and periodontal disease. This study examined sonic extracts (SE) of strains for their ability to alter lymphocyte function. the SE of tested caused dose-dependent suppression of spleen cells in response to mitogen. This suppressive effect was heat-labile and sensitive to the proteolytic enzyme pronase E. the suppressive factor (SF) was purified from SE of by a combination of ultrogel-AcA34, high-pressure liquid DEAE ion-exchange chromatography and hydroxyapatite columns, which revealed a single band of 14 kDa by SDS-PAGE. Rabbit anti-serum against the purified SF inhibited the immunosuppression induced by SE of with the recovery of lymphocyte proliferation.


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